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This game has almost no content and nothing interesting happens. The game is basically just a troll. Don't waste your time.

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cool game

please make a graphics settings

Good solid game, got plenty of playthroughs before the dialogue became repetitive in the slightest. The characters really get you worked up, it will have you on the edge of your seat until the very last minute. The game is very deep and rich in story, and the graphics are among the best I've ever laid my eyes on. The characters have deep stories that you can really get into, unlike other titles. Not to mention the extreme story mode length. The game features an incredible array of possible modes, each with their own unique backstory and ending. I've never seen a developer put so much care into a title, and until now, I have never stumbled upon a more enticing game. I don't know why this wasn't showcased more at E3 2019. This is now my favorite and most frequently played game. Thank you, Bezbro games for bringing this masterpiece into existence.

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mr.bezzybwo made this and it was awesome it is very   awesome cummies  hypers moment tank u bezzy wezzy fo the awesome game uwu

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This is the best game ever made

This game cursed me of my depression, it saved me from ebola and it inspired me to become an Artist.

Everyone should play this game

IDK why there isn't a Metacritic score of 100 and an IGN rating of 11/10 yet.